Becky Kazansky gave a talk in the conference We can do it! Gender, activism, and technology at Goldsmiths College, 6th November 2015

Becky Kazansky gave a talk in the conference We can do it! Gender, activism, and technology at Goldsmiths College, 6th November 2015
Niels Ten Oever gave a presentation at IETF94 at the Human Rights Protocol Considerations Proposed Research Group, November 3, Yokohama, Japan
Jonathan Gray presented the paper “Mapping Open Data and Privacy as Issues on Digital Media” at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, the University of Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, October 25. Lonneke van der Velden and Stefania Milan served as respondent in the panel, which included also Linnet Taylor, Helen Nissenbaum and Mireille van Eechoud.
Stefania Milan gave a talk on cloud protesting at the Global Cultures of Contestation conference, University of Amsterdam, October 15.
Mahsa Alimardani gave a talk on the censorship of women’s content in Iran at the Global Cultures of Contestation conference, University of Amsterdam, October 14
Stefania Milan talks at the European Cybersecurity Forum. CYBERSEC is the first conference of its kind in Poland and one of just a few regular public policy conferences devoted to the strategic issues of cyberspace and cybersecurity in Europe.
Frederike Kaltheuner presented a revised version of her MSc research in the “International Conference on Archiving in the 21st Century” at the Atria institute in Amsterdam, 2/3 December