DATACTIVE brunch with Noortje Marres

We had the luxury of Noortje Marres (Associate Professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, Warwick University) joining us for a late breakfast on Friday, February 9th. Over croissants, we touched upon various topics including data politics, and interdisciplinary research: breaking barriers and other intersectionalities. 

Noortje Marres is part of the DATACTIVE advisory board, find her bio below:

My work contributes to the interdisciplinary field of Science, Technology and Society (STS) and investigates issues at the intersection of innovation, everyday environments and public politics: participation in technological societies; the role of mundane objects and devices in engagement; living experiments; the changing relations between social life and social science in a digital age. I also work on research methodology, in particular, issue mapping, and am interested in developing creative forms of inquiry between the social sciences, technology and the arts.