Author: Niels

Niels presented his work in London, Gothenborg and Berlin

This Spring Niels ten Oever hit the road and gave different talks about the Internet architecture and infrastructure at:
– the Alan Turing Institute in a Workshop on Protocol Governance: Internet Standard Bodies and Public Interest questions.
– the University of Gothenburg’s School of Global Studies, Department of Political Science and Department of Social Work in a Conference on Internet Governance and Human Rights.
– the Humboldt Instut fuer Internet und Gesellschaft in a Workshop: “We are on a mission”. Exploring the role of future imaginaries.

This helped Niels to gather feedback on his preliminary findings in his research on Internet imaginaries, architecture consolidation, and quantitative mailinglist analysis. Next to that he got to engage with other Internet governance researchers on Internet imaginaries and governance innovations.

The questions, comments and talks by other researchers led to a lot of insights which Niels is now reworking into two forthcoming articles.