Beraldo, D. (forthcoming) Dividing by Zero. Tautology and paradox in the self-description of Anonymous, Distinktion – Journal of Social Theory.
Beraldo, D. (forthcoming) Movements as multiplicites and contentious branding. Lessons from the digital exploration of #Occupy and #Anonymous’, Information, Communication, & Society.
Kazansky, B., & Milan, S. (forthcoming 2020). ‘Bodies not Templates’. Contesting Dominant Algorithmic Imaginaries. New Media & Society.
Ten Oever, N., Milan, S., & Beraldo, D. (forthcoming 2020). Studying Discourse in Internet Governance through Mailing-list Analysis. In D. L. Cogburn, L. DeNardis, N. S. Levinson, & F. Musiani (Eds.), Research Methods in Internet Governance. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Ten Oever, Niels. (Forthcoming). “‘This is not how we imagined it’ – Technological Affordances, Economic Drivers and the Internet Architecture Imaginary”. New Media & Society.
Wissenbach, K. R. (2020). Chapter 5: Communication and Digital Security. In SAFEResearch Handbook.
recent publications
Milan, S. & Barbosa, S. (2020). Enter the WhatsApper: Reinventing digital activism at the time of chat apps, First Monday, 25(1).
Ni Bhroin, N., & Milan, S. (Eds.). (2020). Special issue: Media Innovation and Social Change. Journal of Media Innovations, 6(1).
ten Oever, N. (2020). Cybernetica, dataficatie en surveillance in de polder, Ni Dieu, Ni Maitre. Festschrift for Ruud Kaulingfrek. Waardenwerk, Journal for Humanistic Studies, SWP.
Torres, G. (2020). Institutional Resistance to Transparency: the quest for public sector information in Mexico. Journal Of Resistance Studies, 5(2).
Barbosa, S. and S. Milan (2019). “Do Not Harm in Private Chat Apps: Ethical Issues for Research on and with WhatsApp”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 14(1), pp. 49–65.
Beraldo, D., & Milan, S. (2019). Anonymous. In Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd ed.).
Beraldo, D., & Milan, S. (2019). From data politics to the contentious politics of data. Big Data & Society, July/December, 1–11.
Frank Jørgensen, R., Bloch Veiberg, C., and ten Oever, N. (2019). Information and communication technologies (ICT): Exploring the human rights impact of the ICT sector, in Nora Götzmann (Ed.) Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assesment, Elgar Publishing
Gutiérrez, M. and S. Milan (2019). “Playing with Data and its Consequences”, First Monday, 24(1)
Kazansky, B., Torres, G., van der Velden, L., Wissenbach, K. R., & Milan, S. (2019). Data for the social good: Toward a data-activist research agenda. In A. Daly & M. Mann (Eds.), Good Data. Institute of Network Cultures. Amsterdam
Krumsvik, A. H., Milan, S., Bhroin, N. N., & Storsul, T. (2019). Making (Sense of) Media Innovations. Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions, 193.
Milan, S. (2019). Acting on data(fication). In H. Stephansen & E. Treré (Eds.), Citizen Media and Practice: Currents, Connections, Challenges (pp. 212–226). London: Routledge.
Milan, S. (2019). Citizen Media and Big Data. In B. Blaagaard, L. Pérez-González, & M. Baker (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media. New York: Routledge.
Milan, S. (2019). The materiality of clouds. Beyond a platform-specific critique of contemporary activism. In M. Mortesen, C. Neumayer, & T. Poell (Eds.), Social Media Materialities and Protest: Critical Reflections (pp. 116–127). New York: Routledge.
Milan, S. (2019). Emancipatory Communication. The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, 1–6.
Milan, S., & Treré, E. (2019). Big Data from the South(s): Beyond Data Universalism. Television & New Media, 20(4), 319–335.
Milan, S., & Treré, E. (Eds.). (2019). Big Data from the South, Television & New Media, 20(4), May 2019.
Milan, S., & Zalnieriute, M. (Eds.). (2019). Internet Architecture and Human Rights, Policy & Internet, 11(1), March 2019.
Pellegrino, G., J. Söderberg and S. Milan (2019). “Datafication from Below: Epistemology, Ambivalences, Challenges“, Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 10(1), pp. 89-113
Tanczer, L., Deibert, R. J., Bigo, D., Franklin, M. I., Melgaço, L., Lyon, D., … Milan, S. (2019). Online Surveillance, Censorship, and Encryption in Academia. International Studies Perspectives.
Ten Oever, N. (2019). Productive Contestation, Civil Society, and Global Governance: Human Rights as a Boundary Object in ICANN. Policy & Internet, 11(1), 37–60.
Wissenbach, K. R. (2019). Accounting for power in transnational civic tech activism: A communication-based analytical framework for media practice. Internatonal Communicaton Gazete.
Zalnieriute, M. and S. Milan (2019). “Internet Architecture and Human Rights: Beyond the Human Rights Gap”, Policy & Internet, 11(1), pp. 6-15
Non peer reviewed publications
Issue 1/2018. Special Issue: Data Activism, Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, edited by Stefania Milan and Lonneke van der Velden,
Gray, J. (2018). Three Aspects of Data Worlds. Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 1.
Milan, S. (2018). Autonomous infrastructure for a suckless internet. XRDS – The ACM Magazine for Students. Vol 24, n. 4, pp. 20-23.
Hintz, A., & Milan, S. (2018). Through a glass, darkly: Everyday acts of authoritarianism in the liberal West. International Journal of Communication 12, Special Section “Authoritarian Practices in the Digital Age”
Milan, S. (2018). Political Agency, Digital Traces, and Bottom-Up Data Practices. International Journal of Communication, Special Section ‘Digital Traces in Context’, edited by Andreas Hepp, and Andreas Breiter, Volume 12, 2018, pp. 507-525
Milan, S. (2018). Infrastrutture antagoniste e auto-organizzazione mediatica. Zapruder: Rivista Di Storia Della Conflittualità Sociale, 45. Retrieved from
Milan, S. and L. van der Velden, eds. (2018). ‘Data activism’, Special Issue of Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 1/2018 ten Oever, N. (2018). Productive Contestation, Civil Society, and Global Governance: Human Rights as a Boundary Object in ICANN. Policy & Internet.
Ten Oever, N., & Beraldo D. (2018). Routes to Rights. Internet architecture and values in times of ossification and commercialization. XRDS – The ACM Magazine for Students. Vol 24, n. 4, pp. 28-31.
Ten Oever, N. (2018). Up to Whose Standards? Privacy, Freedom & Human Rights, IEEE Standards University, 9 (3).
Non peer-reviewed publications
DATACTIVE. (2018). Report: Data for the Social Good. Retrieved from University of Amsterdam website:
Wissenbach, K. R. (2018). Communication and Activism – a research visit to the Center of Social Movement Studies [DATACTIVE blog].
Alimardani, M. & S. Milan (2017). “Internet as a global/local site of contestation: The case of Iran”. In E. Peeren, R. Celikates, J. de Kloet & T. Poell (Eds.), Global Cultures of Contestation. (pp. 171-192). London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 171-192.
Beraldo, D. (2017). Contentious branding: Reassembling social movements through digital mediators. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Retrieved from
Beraldo, D., & Kazansky, B. (2017). Contentious Data and the Politics of Big Data for Activism. Retrieved from University of Amsterdam website:
Bracciale, R., & Martella, A. (2017). Define the populist political communication style: the case of Italian political leaders on Twitter. Information, Communication & Society, 1–20.
Airoldi, M., Beraldo, D., & Gandini, A. (2016). Follow the algorithm: An exploratory investigation of music on YouTube. Poetics, 57, 1–13.
Gandini, A., Pais, I., & Beraldo, D. (2016). Reputation and trust on online labour markets: the reputation economy of Elance. Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 10(1), 27–43.
Gray, J., Bounegru, L., Milan, S., & Ciuccarelli, P. (2016). Ways of Seeing Data: Toward a Critical Literacy for Data Visualizations as Research Objects and Research Devices. In Kubitschko, Sebastian & Kaun, Anne (Eds.), Innovative Methods in Media and Communication Research (pp. 227–251). Springer International Publishing.
Kazansky, B., Kaltheuner, F., van der Velden, L., et al. (2016) Evolution and Sustainability of Digital Security Tools: An Exploration of F/LOSS Encrypted Chat Apps. WIKI Digital Methods Initiative.
Milan, C., & Milan, S. (2016). Involving communities as skilled learners: The STRAP framework. In Methodological Reflections on Researching Communication and Social Change (pp. 9–28). Springer.
Milan, S., & Velden, L. van der. (2016). The Alternative Epistemologies of Data Activism. Digital Culture & Society, 2(2), 57–74.
Milan, S. (2016). Liberated Technology: Inside Emancipatory Communication Activism. In Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice (p. 107). London: MIT Press.
Milan, S. (2016). Ctrl+Z: The Right to Be Forgotten, by Meg Leta Jones. Times Higher Education.
Milan, S., & Ten Oever, N. (2016). Coding and Encoding Rights in Internet Infrastructure. Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Grassroots Ordering in Internet Governance. Internet Policy Review, 6(1).
Milan, S. (2016). #HackEverything: Everyday Life and Politics in the Computational Theocracy. In I. Gevers, I. van der Tuin, & P. Kockelkoren (Eds.), Hacking habitat: Art of control (pp. 20–33). Rotterdam.
Non peer-reviewed publications
Wissenbach, K., et al. (2016). Exploring the fabrics of Civic Tech on Digital Media. WIKI Digital Methods Initiative.
Deville, J. E., & van der Velden, L. (2015). Seeing the invisible algorithm: the practical politics of tracking the credit trackers. In Algorithmic Life: Calculative devices in the age of big data (pp. 87–106). New York: Routledge.
Kazansky, B. (2015). Privacy, Responsibility, and Human Rights Activism. The Fibreculture Journal, (26 2015: Entanglements–Activism and Technology).
Milan, S. (2015a). From social movements to cloud protesting: the evolution of collective identity. Information, Communication & Society, 18(8), 887–900.
Milan, S. (2015b). Mobilizing in times of social media: From a politics of identity to a politics of visibility. In Critical Perspectives on Social Media and Protest (pp. 53–70). Rowman & Littlefield.
Milan, S. (2015c). When algorithms shape collective action: Social media and the dynamics of cloud protesting. Social Media+ Society, 1(2), 1–10.
Milan, S., & Gutiérrez, M. (2015). Medios ciudadanos y big data: La emergencia del activismo de datos. MEDIACIONES, (14), 10–26. Download the article
Milan, S., & Gutierrez, M. (2015a). Citizens´ Media Meets Big Data: The Emergence of Data Activism. Mediaciones, 14, 120–133.
Milan, S., & Gutierrez, M. (2015b). Medios ciudadanos y big data: La emergencia del activismo de datos. Mediaciones, 14, 10–26. (In Spanish)
van der Velden, L. (2015a). Forensic devices for activism: Metadata tracking and public proof. Big Data & Society, 2(2).
van der Velden, L. (2015b). Leaky apps and data shots: Technologies of leakage and insertion in NSA-surveillance. Surveillance & Society, 13(2), 182–196
Züger, T., Milan, S., & Tanczer, L. M. (2015). Sand in the Information Society Machine: How Digital Technologies Change and Challenge the Paradigms of Civil Disobedience. The Fiberculture Journal, 26, 108–135.
Stefania Milan published ‘When Algorithms Shape Collective Action: Social Media and the Dynamics of Cloud Protesting‘ in Social Media+Society special issue ‘Perspectives on social media and the transformation of public space’, December 2015: 1–10
Abstract: How does the algorithmically mediated environment of social media restructure social action? This article combines social movement studies and science and technology studies to explore the role of social media in the organization, unfolding, and diffusion of contemporary protests. In particular, it examines how activists leverage the technical properties of social media to develop a joint narrative and a collective identity. To this end, it offers the notion of cloud protesting as a theoretical approach and framework for empirical analysis. Cloud protesting indicates a specific type of mobilization that is grounded on, modeled around, and enabled by social media platforms and mobile devices and the virtual universes they identify. The notion emphasizes both the productive mediation of social and mobile media and the importance of activists’ sense-making activities. It also acknowledges that social media set in motion a process that is sociotechnical in nature rather than merely sociological or communicative, and thus can be understood only by intersecting the material and the symbolic dimensions of contemporary digitally mediated collective action. The article shows how the specific materiality of social media intervenes in the actors’ meaning work by fostering four mechanisms—namely performance, interpellation, temporality, and reproducibility—which concur to create a “politics of visibility” that alters traditional identity dynamics. In addition, it exposes the connection between organizational patterns and the role of individuals, explaining how the politics of visibility is the result of a process that originates and ends within the individual—which ultimately creates individuals-in-the-group rather than groups.
methods and epistemology of engaged research
Milan, S. (2014). The ethics of social movement research. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research (pp. 446–464). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Milan, S. (2010). Toward an epistemology of engaged research. International Journal of Communication, 4, 856–858.
Hintz, A., & Milan, S. (2010). Social Science is Police Science: Researching Grass-Roots Activism. International Journal of Communication, 4, 837–844.