A kinder effective activism with Stefania Milan

Stefania will speak at ‘How to start a revolution: effective activism for a Kinder world’, 
3 October 2019, 6.30 PM @The Student Hotel, Wibautstraat 129, Amsterdam.
Join the conversation, as of writing – tickets are still available here (free).

About this event:

2019 has certainly been the year of protests – from climate strikes and anti-Brexit marches to Hong Kong, people across the world are standing up and taking action. At Kinder we believe in the power of the charitable sector, and we want to help concerned global citizens and activists learn from the organisations already successfully making a change, globally and here at home.

We’re delighted to be hosting this event in collaboration with our friends at The Student Hotel and will present to you organisations of different sizes that are making real change happen as we speak. After introducing you to the broader theme with the help of a keynote speaker there will be the opportunity to participate in Q&A’s with a wide range of speakers who approach the topic of activism from different perspectives.